Algorithm Visualizer
An app that aims to visualize how pathfinding algorithms work.
I bring imagination to reality by crafting software with beautiful user interfaces and great user experience.
An app that aims to visualize how pathfinding algorithms work.
A Windows application to allow batch downloading of music videos from YouTube.
An outlet through which my family can browse and download photos.
An app that allows one to log in, post a message, edit it, delete it, then log out.
A plugin for the Babel JavaScript transpiler that creates reactive classNames from custom 'block', 'elem', and 'mods' attributes.
I am a software developer who finds joy in self-improvement and in crafting high quality software with clean code, great user experience and visually stunning user interfaces.
I introduced myself to the art of computer science in 2016 when I took an interest in making games with Unity. Soon after, I made a networking tool using C# and the .NET Framework, then I built a simple web application with ASP.NET that I hosted on my own computer.
I've been constantly working on projects since 2016. Additionally, I have taken Harvard University's CS50 and CS50's Web Programming courses.
I've recently worked with:
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